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UNbroken: A True Story of Hope in Starting Over

UNbroken is about the truth. Like any truth, it will be harsh but inspiring. Author Wendy Baisley Roache challenges readers to persevere her story of unimaginable loss and betrayal, to find the eventual path to freedom and victory through God’s grace – The very reason we all can have hope.

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If you are interested in having Wendy speak at your event or minister through the making of UNbroken Hope Necklaces please reach out to her through this website’s ‘Contact’ page.

UNbroken Hope Necklaces are used as a visual reminder that no matter how broken or shattered we are, God’s love is the mortar that puts us back together… He makes all things new!


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What Women’s Ministries and Book Clubs are saying about UNbroken


“Reading UNbroken in our women’s small group ministry was a life changing experience for us at Family Faith Center Church in Rosamond California. Each chapter captivated us as we journeyed with Wendy and her family on their path to recovery from brokenness, to becoming UNbroken. This story is a true testimony of what God can do when we allow Him to take all the shattered pieces, of our heart and of our life, and allow Him to make something beautiful out of the brokenness. We were taken right into the story. When we met Wendy in person, after finishing the book, we were sisters able to share in the hope of His redeeming love. I would highly recommend this book, and its author. Thank you, Wendy, for sharing your heart, your story, your time, and your love with us. Together we win and find our hope in the One who knows and loves us best – Forever changed and forever grateful that you allowed your story to be told.”

Linda Hernandez
Co-Pastor/ Women’s Ministry Director
Rosamond Family Faith Center Church


“Hope House is a program for single women learning to break cycles of homelessness, addiction, and abuse. While reading UNbroken, our women have found encouragement seeing how God can use our brokenness to build something beautiful and new. Reading through Wendy’s story and having her share her vulnerability and truth of her journey, has been inspiring to our women. They are encouraged to see God’s promise of using her story to help others through their pain. UNbroken has given them hope that they too, will be able to use the pain of their past to help others in their future.”

Beth Atencio
Hope House Director


“UNbroken built stronger ties between our small group of women while strengthening our trust in God. The difficult topics one never brings up were presented in love and grace. Inner fears of abuse or reflections of past tragic experiences are turned into opportunities to heal and grow in His love. Our small group of women journaled our responses to the questions and shared our new found hopes and healings. Discussions helped in this process as well as the power of prayer for each other. Facilitating was made easy, as we covered only several questions each week. It took us 6 weeks to dig deep and really cover all the material.”

Sharee Price
Women’s Book Club

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UNbroken: A True Story of Hope in Starting Over